About us

The ram represents fire, cunning, strength, rebellion and courage, thus representing that Viremorfe Studios is a team that is not afraid of the adversities that may come its way. We are independent, we are rebels, and we are passionate about taking risky decisions.

Our Games

It's a Trap!

It's a trap! is a multiplayer arcade video game inspired by the classic "Spy vs Spy" games from 1984. Your objective as a spy is to collect confidential information by passing through different obstacles such as security cameras, guards, infrared lights, etc. There will also be other spies looking for the same thing as you, and they will try to sabotage you or steal your information. The cleverest spy wins!

Expected launch date: 2026

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Game modes: Single player (offline) - Two to four players (online or co-op)

Expected platforms: Steam - Epic Games Store - Xbox Series X/S - PS4 - PS5 - Nintendo Switch


Gravelost is a first-person horror video game set in an ancient cemetery in Portugal. Players will to have a strong mind to create solutions while living truly terrifying experiences, with sinister scenarios, demonic enemies and an agile gameplay similar to games like Outlast or Alien Isolation, and with a level design inspired by the inferno of Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy".

A reporter, after receiving several clues about the whereabouts of the tomb of Jesus in Portugal, decides to travel there, but what he finds is far more demonic and macabre than he could have imagined, a descent into hell and madness that makes us think, how far are we willing to go to get the truth?

Expected launch date: 2032

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Game modes: Single player

Expected platforms: Steam - Epic Games Store - Xbox Series X/S - PS5


Do you want to join our team or collaborate in something? Obviously always renumerated, we are mercenaries, and we know that a man's work is worth, the ram always pays fair. Here our mail!
